Check Your Laravel Version in 3 Easy Ways

Check Your Laravel Version in 3 Easy Ways

While working in working on a Laravel project, knowing the version isn’t simply a minor information. If you’re trying to troubleshoot, update or checking compatibility and compatibility, verifying the version of your Laravel version is an essential ability that every developer should have.

This tutorial explains three easy techniques to identify the version of Laravel version that is designed to be helpful for novices and experienced developers as well. If you follow these guidelines will allow you to maintain the efficiency of your workflow while also optimizing your development projects without fear.

Why Knowing Your Laravel Version Matters

Laravel constantly changes its framework to include enhancements to performance, new features and security updates. In the absence of clarity about the version of your application it is possible to be faced with compatibility issues or lose crucial functionality. It is essential to know this information for debugging, upgrading, or adding features to your application.

Three methods to test the version of Laravel version.

Method 1: Using Artisan Commands

Laravel’s command-line interface built into the framework, Artisan, provides a simple way of determining the version of your framework.

One option: phpartisan –version Command

This is the most efficient and most simple technique.

The steps to take:

  • Open Terminal or Command Prompt

Open the terminal application or command prompt to your computer.

  • Navigate to Your Laravel Project Directory

Make use of the cd command for transferring to the root directory for the Laravel project (where the “artisan” file is located).


cd /path/to/your/laravel/project


  • Run the Command

Enter the information below and press enter:


php artisan –version


Output Example:


Laravel Framework 11.x


Then you’ll be able to see the Laravel version of the project you’re making use of.

Alternative 2: The PHP artisan regarding` command

If you’re in the market for to have a comprehensive overview for your needs, the php artisan report about offers additional data.

Follow these steps:

  1. Go to the Terminal or Command Prompt.
  2. Browse to the directory of your Laravel Project’s directories.
  3. Input the command below:


php artisan about


This command doesn’t only display the Laravel version, but it also gives crucial information such as PHP version, its environment (local/production) as well as the status of debug mode, and much more.

Method 2: Using Composer Files

Composer, the dependency management tool that is used for PHP projects, provides a trustworthy method of checking the version of your Laravel version.

Option 1: Inspect the `composer.json` File

  1. Look for the `composer.jsonFile in the project’s root directory.
  2. The file can be opened in the text editor of your choice.
  3. Find the `”require”Section. It should show an entry that reads like this:


“require”: {

“laravel/framework”: “^11.x”



The laravel/framework entry indicates the Laravel version (here the version is `11.x*).

Option 2: Review the `composer.lock` File

The `composer.lockThe file gives an exact copy that is even though `composer.jsonis able to provide a range.

  1. Then, open `composer.lockto open an editor for text.
  2. Find the laravel/framework entry.
  3. Look for the `”version” field. Example:


“version”: “v11.2.3”


This is a sign that you’re using Laravel 11.2.3.

Method 3: Inspecting Source Code

If you are a developer who is comfortable digging into the code, examining Laravel source code is an alternative.

Follow these steps:

  • Navigate to the Laravel Framework’s Source
  • Visit the vendor directory in the Laravel project.
  • Open the laravel/frameworkFolder.
  • Find the Version Constant

Inside `src/Illuminate/Foundation/Application.php`, search for the constant `VERSION`.

A sample snippet of code:


Const Version = ‘11.1.0″;


  • Identify the Version

The `VERSIONconstant is clearly indicating the Laravel version currently in use.

Additional Tips for Managing Laravel Versions

  • Stay Up-to-Date

Maintain your framework up to date so that you can benefit from the most recent enhancements in performance, features as well as security patches.

  • Consider LTS (Long-Term Support) Versions

If you are looking for stability over the long run choose Laravel LTS versions, which provide an extended security and bug fix help.

  • Check for Compatibility

Before you upgrade Laravel make sure the dependencies for your project are in good order. Be sure to read the change logs as well as documents.

  • Use Version Control

Keep track of changes in the Laravel version with Git or a different version control software to create an update history that is traceable.

  • Test Thoroughly Post-Upgrades

Following any changes to the version Conduct thorough tests to verify that the features function as intended.

Final Thoughts

Being aware of the details of your Laravel version is an easy and essential to ensure a seamless work flow for development. When you are able to master these three strategies to manage your projects, you will be able to efficiently handle your development projects, guarantee compatibility and get the best of the powerful features offered by Laravel.

If you are a business looking to improve the efficiency of their Laravel development, joining forces with a team of experts can help make sure that your applications are leveraging new features in the framework efficiently.


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